Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Janathon Day 15

We are half way done with this challenge.  Yesterday was an interesting day.  I was teaching a class in the afternoon and toward the end of the class I got the worst abdominal pain.  It wasn't hospital worthy pain, but it certainly made it difficult to stand in front of a group of students.  I suffered through it for about 8 minutes until class ended, but I didn't think I had the energy to pull it off for one more class.  I have amazing colleagues who pulled through for me.  Another 6th grade history teacher was off that block and came to my rescue.  I went to the school nurse and she had to take all my vitals.  All was normal so that was good.  Except she said I looked really pale and because I was having trouble having a conversation with her she wouldn't let me drive home.

Unfortunately, I couldn't get a hold of my Mom to come get me so another co-worker drove me home.  It's a good thing I live close.  I've never had anything like that happen and it was pretty embarrassing.  I have a feeling I know what caused the pain, but certainly nothing I'm willing to share so publicly.  It is nothing serious, but it was very annoying and I hope does not continue in the future because it is pretty debilitating.

When I got home I laid down and tried to use essential oils (love them) to help relieve the pain.  It did get to the point where I was able to go about and take care of things at home I needed to, but since I still had some pain, I decided not to jinx it with a run or any kind of ab work.  I was frustrated because I know I need pound some pavement, but I also know you have to listen to your body.  I do feel like a fool because I am publicly posting my ups and downs and I feel like there's more downs lately than there are ups, but life is like that sometimes.  I'm not going to quit the challenge just because I haven't kept the rules perfectly.  I'm jealous of the others that have the stamina and diligence to do it right, but apparently I'm just not there yet.  Perhaps when Junathon strikes, I'll be able to work out and blog every day.  My goal for now is to keep doing the best that I can.

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