Saturday, May 31, 2008

Finalmente...Un Día del Sol!!

Title Translation: Finally, a day of sun! The whole time I've been here it's rained the entire day and it's been very cold. However, today it was nice and sunny with blue skies and a few clouds. Later in the afternoon the storm clouds came and now it's raining but that's okay. I was expecting sunny mornings and rainy afternoons and that's just what we got today. I met up with some friends and we took a bus to downtown San José. I'm living in San Pedro, a big suburb of San José and I really like it. In downtown there was so many people and it was really crowded. I don't know that I'll make regular visits down there but we wanted to see some of the museums. There is also a flea market down there so I'll be headed back there to do my souvenier shopping.

The first stop was the "Museo del Jade."
It had a few jade carvings and pre-Colombian artifacts like pottery, which I love, and other various tools the civilizations used before Colombus. It was pretty cool but I do have to say that it was quite expesive for here. It was ¢3500 (about $7), which doesn't seem like much but it's pretty small. Although, if you're really into Pre-Colombian artifacts, it's worth the stop. If you aren't into pottery and jade carvings, go to a nice restaurant instead. We also went to the "Museo de Oro" (gold). That was about $4 and I liked it. There was a lot of cool gold art work and some random paintings and other artifacts in the museum. They have a currency exhibit but it was closed for remodeling. I bet that would've been pretty cool.

In front of the museum of gold, there was a very large square with hundreds of pidgeons. At first I wondered why there were so many but then I saw the people were feeding them. Some of the birds were eating right out of people's hands. It was pretty cool. It reminded me of the movie Mary Poppins and I wanted to bust out and sing "feed the birds." Thankfully, for the others, I resisted the urge. "Feed the birds, toppins a bag."

Following the museums we went to the National Park where there was a lot of painted cows. I found the golden calf! Some of the cows were so awesome. It was a pretty good day and the weather was perfect. After the park, my friends and I went to eat lunch at "Pomodoro," an italian restuarant near the University of Costa Rica. It was delicious. I think tonight we're going to meet up and go to a karaoke bar or something fun like that. Costa Rica is pretty awesome!

Here are some pictures of the cows:

This one was hanging from the trees...a zip lining cow!

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