Friday, January 18, 2013

Janathon Day 18

**I totally spaced it yesterday and forgot to post after my workout yesterday!

Yesterday I got home from work and really didn't want to run or anything, but I needed to do 3 miles according to my training schedule.  As you know, this week I wasn't feeling very well so it seemed reasonable to take a day off, but I also knew that if I did that I would be disappointed in myself.  It was also cold outside, although not terribly cold.  It was just cold enough though that it was too tempting to call it a day and not workout.  All of this was running through my head, along with the Janathon requirements and caused a dilemma.  I ended up deciding to use my treadmill and instead of running 3 miles outside I would do interval training.  I love my treadmill and am glad that I have it, but I definitely don't give it the use I thought I would when I first bought it.  I actually really love running outside now, even if it's cold.  It's easier to pick something in the distance to run to or to enjoy the sights and sounds of what's going on around you.  I do like being able to watch TV on the mill, but running itself is harder for me on the mill because I just can't muster up the same mental energy as I do outside.

A few years ago I worked out with a trainer and they had me set the treadmill speed at 10 and then run for 30 seconds and rest for 30 seconds for 10 minutes.  I decided to do something like that.  I did a warmup for 5 minutes, then set the mill at 10 and started going.  I did that for a few intervals, but had difficulty keeping up, so I reduced it to 8 to finish out the intervals.  It worked up a sweat and felt great.  When it was over, I decided to keep going and ran/walked for 3 miles or so, and a total workout time of 1 hour.  It wasn't the hardest workout and I felt like my head won the battle in terms of taking walk breaks, but it was a workout nonetheless.  I think it's easier for me to run outside.  That's probably the case because I can run at a slower pace if I get a little tired, whereas the treadmill stays constant and I've been noticing that I'm not a consistent runner.  I have trouble keeping the same pace.  I guess that's something I can also work on and maybe should force myself to use the mill at least once a week.

The agenda for this weekend is as follows:
Friday - stretching/'s a simple rest day

Saturday - 11 miles and maybe yoga

Sunday - Yoga and LOTS of sit-ups.  *I signed up for a challenge where you do a ridiculous amount of sit-ups to reach 1,000+ sit ups for the week.  I don't remember the weekly amount off the top of my head and I can't look up the challenge on Facebook at the moment.  I'll post about it on Sunday.

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