Thursday, April 10, 2008

1st Stop: Roatàn, Honduras

I went to Roatàn on a cruise back in 2005 with my family and remembered it was my favorite stop. I was pretty excited to get to go again, especially since my nativity set I bought there broke and I would be able to replace it.

We sailed from Miami on a Sunday and had a day and a half before we would arrive in Honduras. The first night of the cruise my sister, Travelin' Tracy, got food poisoning or something and was throwing up all night. The ship wanted to be sure she wasn't contagious so they quarantined her in the room on Monday. Haha, that sucked for her! Well, that same night I started to feel sick and was worried I would have what she had and be throwing up all night too. My fear was that I would be too sick to leave the boat the next day when we arrived in Honduras. Luckily, I think it was a combination of eating a lot (cruise boats always have a ton of food) and a rocky boat. I threw up once and felt fine afterwards. Thank goodness :) I'm not a fan of throwing up but it was a little nice to know I wouldn't have to worry about those few extra calories because after working out all the time you really feel icky when you eat really bad. Don't worry, the rest of the cruise I just worked out every day to make up for the extra food!

We arrived in Honduras and the weather was beautiful. My family thought it was too hot but I loved it, I hate being cold so I embraced the heat. We were greeted by punta dancers and I even danced with them for a little while. It was pretty fun. I've done it before so I kind of know how to do it but I wouldn't classify myself as a punta dancer just yet.

My brother, sister, my sister's boyfriend and me went horseback riding for a couple hours. After the ride my family went snorkeling and I walked around and talked to people in order to practice my spanish. I also wanted to get to the post office to buy postage stamps (I've discovered it's a cheap souvenier that every country has). When I was walking I would stop and talk to people and practice my spanish. It was fun, they were very friendly. I even had a local Honduran man walk me to the post office so I could find it and he took me to a local restaurant to eat local food. It was pretty good except the beef had fat and bones on it so that kind of grossed me out but I still ate it. I'm not a picky eater but meat with bones is the one thing I can't handle but if someone serves it to me I will eat it with a smile on my face, even though I'm gaging on the inside! I saw my family later on and they thought I was crazy for walking with some local guy but it wasn't dangerous, the city is really public so I wasn't worried.

I loved Roatàn and wished I could've spent more time there. If you are a scuba diver then this is the place to go. I didn't do a dive on this trip but my sister and I dove there when we went in 2005 and it was beautiful. We got to dive with sharks, touch an octopus and see lots of really cool, beautiful fish. The people are nice and the food is pretty great too. I give Honduras two thumbs up and would love to spend more time there in the future.

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